Keshav Batish: Binaries In Cycle

Drummer Keshav Batish leads a lyrical post bop team of Shay Salhov/as, Lucas Hahn/p and Aron Caceres through a mix of originals an jazz covers. Of the latter, he shows his master of tempo changes with a clever militaristic intro to “We See” that leads into a hip groover amended by Caceres’ bass solo, while “Police People” is a celebrative and assertive vehicle for Salhov’s bright alto sax. Batish shows his wares as his cymbals propel the sleek “Binaries IN Cycle” along with a nifty drum solo, while the drives up and down the intensity on the flexible “Wingspan”. Hahn is romantic on the classy “Let Go” and Salhov flexes his muscles over the deep line dug by Batish and Caceres on “Count Me In”. Tradition and new directions.

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