Dan Wilkins-James Collins-Gene  Perla-Byron Landham: Horizons Quartet

Soprano and tenor saxist Dan Wilkins brings his compositions to the team of  James Collins/p-key, Gene  Perla/b and Byron Landham/dr for this integrated sounds of post bop and modal. On tenor sax, he broods with Collins’ piano on “Marionettes” , while the rest of the time sticking to the straight soprano. Collins’ keyboards give a CTI soul sound the “The Blade’s Proposition” and the sleek “ Gaia’s Blessing” with Perla and Landham supporting a rich pulse throughout. The rhythm team gets heavy on the Coltranish “Spiraling” and the rapid sprint of “Get The Point” with Collins’ piano tap ping into Tyner territory before team simmers into the post bopping “Kindling of the  Phoenix”. Wilkins’ tone on the soprano is clear and bright, shining like an incandescent light through the exciting avalanche of energy. Impulse moods and modes.


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