Andre Ferreri Quintetto: Numero Uno

Swing strung guitarist Andre Ferreri teams with Ziad Rabie/ts, Kobie Watkins/dr, Anna Dtadlman/b, Brad Wilcox/tp and a rotating piano team of Mark Stallings-Phillip Howe-Sean Higgins for a sleek collection of originals. He shows he can slide through a shuffling beat supplied by a B3 on the grooving “Uptown Swing” and greases through the deeply dug bass and drum trench of “Avia Pervia” with aplomb. Rabie’s post bop tenor works well over Ferreri’s rich chords on the driving “On The Move” and wears hip threads on the cool toned title piece. Ferreri and company get clever with harmonies, creating pretty ones on “Making Major Changes” and more nuanced moods for “ Making Minor Changes” while Ferrari uses his strings to create dreamscapes for “Love Letter To Mary”. Six strings of charm.

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