YES! A JAZZ GIG!!! Melissa Morgan Quartet@SamFirst Bar 04.15.21

“I’m Melissa Morgan and I’m fully vaccinated!”

So opened LA-based vocalist Melissa Morgan, mask-less and confident with her team of Sam Hirsh/p, Luca Alemanno/b and Kevin Kanner/dr for a streaming concert at SamFirst Bar. With all attendees either vaccinated or having antibodies from COVID, Ms Morgan allowed a few to come in and remember what taking in a “real live” jazz concert was supposed to sound and feel like. She was visibly moved at the opportunity, excited along with the band to finally musically interact with a breathing crowd. The result was an hour set that reminded those watching either in person or via computer, that the spontaneity of of the jazz art is still one of the most exciting things of which  to take  part.

The band opened with “I’ve Got The World On The String” that had Hirsh toying with the ivories on the easy swinger while Morgan joyfully teased the lyrics and stretching them like vanilla Turkish Taffy. Morgan and company turned down the musical  lights for a nourish “ No Moon At All” with Hirsh’s full fists and Alemanno’s bass solo surrounding the singer as she created a Hound of the Baskervilles haze.

Most clever was a two mooded take of the 1920s ditty “All I Do Is Dream Of  You” that had Morgan letting out syllables like the wafting of a seductive perfume, allowing enough room to pass like cars getting on the freeway. Drummer Kanner suddenly popped the clutch, and the team went into overdrive, careening around the melody like a collection of Formula Ones. His  hand work on the drums for “Born to Be Blue”, teamed with Hirsh tapping into his inner Red Garland, set the stage for Morgan to play with the lyrics as if they were lights angled through a prism.

All of the allure of Ms. M organ came out on the nifty read of “Cheek to Cheek”, as Kanner’s brushes and Alemanno’s bass glided like Astaire and Rogers, Melissa sang like a closing reliever, changing speeds, deliveries, going inside and out with the silky smooth tone that is both comforting yet keeping you on your guard just enough. Her closing “Save Your Love For Me” was deeply reflective, perfectly capturing the dark desperation with a glimmer of  hope. Not unlike most of us jazz fans waiting for clubs to open again.

With a swinging flexibility similar to Holiday, a dynamic pathos akin to Patsy Cline, and a soulful punch reminiscent of Ruth Brown, Melissa Morgan ended the night with a hopeful “Someday we’ll see you soon in person.” Gigs like this by her give us something to look forward too. Thanks for the apertif!

Upcoming shows for streaming (until LA finally opens up) at SamFirst Bar include 04/22 Bill Cunliffe solo and  04/28-29 Gerald Clayton duos. Don’t forget to go to their site and donate a bit. The Blue Whale is closed for good, and we can’t afford to  lose any more places like this!!!

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