THE BAKED POTATO OPENS UP!!   Mike Miller Group@The Baked  Potato 04.23.21

“It’s nice to see everybody. Hey, it’s nice to see ANYBODY!”

While guitarist and leader Mike Miller joked these words as he played a jazz gig in LA for the first time in over a year, truer words were never uttered. Both musicians, fans in attendance and especially Justin Randi were glad to have “live” music back in LA.

The famed Potato is the first club to open up, although it’s still a bit restricted with only 20 tickets available for inside seating and 22 for the patio. The gigs start at 8pm and 10pm these days, so  planning ahead with purchasing tickets is highly recommended. Kudos for the BP for getting the ball rolling.

And roll it did.

Guitarist  Mike Miller, best known for his work with Chick Corea’s Elektric Band II, brought together an all star team of Jimmy Johnson/b and Walt Fowler (from Steve Gadd), Chad Wackerman/dr (Frank Zappa/Alan Holdsworth alum) and LA stalwart Brandon Fields/ts. While before the show a couple of the musicians joked that they might feel a bit rusty after such a lapse between gigs, there wasn’t an audible  hint of hesitation as Miller teamed up with Johnson and Wackerman to dig a deep and funky groove on “Crimentle” that had the horns swaying together and soloing in a soulful fashion. Likewise, Wackerman snapped his sticks and Miller gave some bluesy grit to his riffing strings as the band gave a sizzling take of the bop classic “I Mean You” with Fields and Fowler gave some fun and festive solos.

Equally appealing were the more melodic and lyrical tunes, as Miller’s strings chimed on the joyful “Let Me Like You” with Fowler’s genteel flugelhorn work added richness to the theme, while Fields gave a yearning aria following  Miller’s introspective into to the gentle “Alberto” that was gently coaxed along by Wackerman’s brushes.

A mix of Hendrix effects teamed with tasty guitar pickings floated over the irresistible reggae’d blues  pulse of the lurking “The Sky Lights Up” before the horns created a nifty noir shadow that floated  over the nifty pulse created by Miller and Johnson on the spacious and alluring “Save The  Moon”.

Everyone felt refreshed after the set, and no one wanted to leave. Isn’t that why jazz clubs are supposed to be open? BTW-the potatoes served are still delicious!!

Upcoming shows at the Baked Potato include Scott Kinsey 04/29, Mitch Forman 04/30, Andrew Synowiec 05/01, LA Jazz Quartet 05/02 and Bob Reynolds 05/06. Remember, there’s only 20 seats available per show inside, and 22 for the patio. Order EARLY!!!

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