Mark Wingfield-Jane Chapman-Adriano Adewale: Zoji

A mix of Bach and Richie Blackmore takes place with guitarist/soundscaper Mark Wingfield, harpsichordist Jane Chapman and Adriano Adewale handling percussion and vocals on this eleven song journey. The juxtaposition of Chapman’s baroque sounding strings, Asian guitar tones and abstract voices make pieces like “Persian Snow Leopard” a tasty treat, while a mix of dark metal and Bach team up on the pretty “Prelude Sinueux”. Adewale leads a percussive dance on “Sun Court” while getting intricate with Wingfield’s piercing tone on “Paralell Time”. Ambient moods prevail on the misty “Seven Faces of Silence” and the intertwining “Viaduct Road”, with each song sounding like a color of a Medieval Mosaic.


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