David Detweiler: The Astoria Suite

Tenor saxist David Detweiler carries the beefy toned tenor tradition on this album with trombonist Kevin Jones, drummer Leon Anderson and bassist Mikailo Kasha on this mix of originals. A touch of Coltrane comes in with Anderson giving some thrills and trills a la Elvin Gones on the modal “Twilight” while rumbling on the nimble “Lookout” with the cymbals aggressively leading the charge on “Under the Dome”. Detweiler also holds an allegiance to vintage bopping jazz, with a west coast coolness and deft brushes on the crisp “Jonesy” , hip along with Kasha’s bass on the high hat heaven of “Blues for H and A’ and bopping with Anderson on the crisp and clean “Singularity”. An endorsement for Selmer Mark Vis.


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