THIS IS A GUITAR TRIO 101…Gregg Skaff: Polaris

Guitar vet Gregg Skaff meets with a Mt Rushmore of rhythm in bassist Ron Carter and drummer “Tootie” Heath in a timeless collection of swinging material. These guys make it sound so easy, and let me tell you, after going to countless gigs and hearing gazillions of guitarists, it isn’t!

You could spend the entire album just paying attention to either Carter of Heath, as they are masterful in their teamwork here. They deliver a sleek intro to “Old Devil Moon” before Skaff jumps in and hits the ground running. Heath puts in a hip patter to the fun “Angelica” for Skaff’s Wes coasting, and Carter bends and snaps like Reese Witherspoon during Skaff’s serene strummings on “Yesterdays”. Heath’s relaxed brushes move like Astaire on the title tune, while his cymbals guide Carter and Skaff’s conversation on the emotive second “Little Waltz”. Skaff’s strings are gorgeous in his intro to his duet with Carter on the blue first take of “Little Waltz” and his solo outing on “Ill Wind” is Joe Pass-like in its rich elegance. Suitable for framing.

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