The 14 Jazz Orchestra: Cartoon Bebop

Produced and arranged by Dan Bonsanti, The 14 Jazz Orchestra is a rotating team of all stars that includes as special guests Peter Erskine/dr, Mark Egan/b, Ed Calle/reeds, Randy Bernson/g, Lindsay Bair/g, Jamie Ousley/b and Peter Brewer/reeds.

Egan digs a deep groove on the pastoral and moody “Wood Dance” that features some  nice piano work by Mike Levine” while Chick Corea’s “Duende” has Egan supporting Ed Calle’s yearning tenor and Neal Nonsanti’s passionate oboe. Erskine lays down snappy groove to the 50s themed title track with Jason Carder’s trumpet riding high, and he gives a rich pulse to Wayne Shorter’s “Infant Eyes”  for a sizzling guitar solo by Bernsen”. The team boogies out on a  punchy “A Day Tripper’s Blues Buffet” with each tune filled with enthusiasm and excitement. Don’t leave this channel!

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