Miguel Espinoza’s Flamenco Fusion: Veneta KARI

You’ve only got 6 songs on this ep led by guitarist Miguel Espinoza, but a lot is said, making you beg for more. He brings together a band that is kind of a chamber/flamingo affair, with Dianne Betkowski/cel, Lynn Baker/ss-ts, Randy Heopker/b and a mix of percussion with Andy Skellenger/tab-caj and Mario Moreno/tim-con-bong.

Because of the mix of various types of percussion, Espinoza is able to take you on journeys to Southern Asia with Skellenger’s tablas on “Happy” or to Andalusia with hand claps and soprano sax on the festive “Cayendo”. Betkowski’s cellos gorgeously broods with Espinoza’s strings as the percussion clippety-clops through “Sad” while she gives a rich solo after the rhythm section percolates on “Bulerias Barrocas”. Espinoza has a rich and dramatic flair on his strings, creating wondrous solos and directions as on ”Gnossienne” or going luxurious on the flowing title tune. This is a caravan that is worth following.


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