ELVIS AND THE BLUES FROM AVID…Elvis Presley: Four Classic Albums Plus, Big Joe Williams: Four Classic Albums

UK based reissue giants Avid Group starts off the year getting back to basics, with Elvis and the blues.

Not much needs to be said about Elvis Presley, but if you don’t have any of his albums, these first for are by far his strongest. His classic backup team of DJ Fontana/dr, Floyd Cramer/p, Bill Black/b and the signature sound of guitarist Scotty Moore are all at their finest on the debut with the opening “Blue Suede Shoes” setting the pace, including “Heartbreak Hotel” and not letting up through the closing “I Want You, I Need You, I Love You.” 1957’s Loving You was supposed to be a soundtrack, but it also included some new material, with the title track and “Teddy Bear” still sounding great. His two volumes of Gold Records are just that, his big singles, and if you want to party, just put these on and the relentless hits such as “Hound Dog”, “All Shook Up”, “Heartbreak Hotel,” “It’s Now Or Never” and “Are You Lonely Tonight”. Is this for dancing, or will it break into karaoke?

The one-of-a-kind Joe Williams was a tour de force as both a human and musician, and it sure comes across on this collection of dirt under the nails albums. His 1958 debut includes his signature “Baby Please Don’t Go” as well as a riveting “Someday Baby” and “Goodmorning Little Schoolgirl” . 1961’s Tough Times has him playing some weird 9 string guitar to accompany himself on the jumping “Shake Your Boogie” and offering more licks than a Tootsie Roll Pop on “She Left Me A Mule To Ride” and “Sloppy Drunk Blues”. The same year, he put out the strong Blues on Highway 49 that is loaded with grit and visceral tunes like “Tiajuna Blues” and “45 Blues”. His unique tunings and playing style on the Nine String album is a trip to the sweaty Delta, with harrowing tunes such as “Whistlin’ Pines” and an unforgettable “She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain”. Put on your boots for a walk in the red clay.


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