I’ve refused to get sucked into the negative vibe that permeates the soundwaves, airwaves and surf waves. Everyone is complaining, and it’s easy to get thrown into that vortex.

How do we fight it?

I’m trying to counteract the downhill stream with feeding myself with as many positive things as possible. I’ve taken to memorizing hymns, Scripture and speeches.  I usually don’t get into the Youtube thing, but some friends have turned me on to sermons by a guy named Douglas Wilson. He does some debates with Peter Hitchens that are classics, and are worth seeing as well for getting a good philosophy lesson.

Anyway, in one of his sermons, the optimistic Wilson gave a list of 12 things we should do this year in order to fight the onslaught to our souls.

Now, I realize everyone reading this is not a Christian, but the general message is still worth taking in. I’ve included Wilson’s references to the Bible as well, just for completion of the idea.

Take it as a beggar telling another beggar where to find the bread!


  1. Worship:‘Go to Church each Lord’s day and worship in the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit’ Heb 12:28
  2. Honesty:‘Be honest about facing your sin and confess it before the Lord’
  3. Marriage:‘Husband’s love and enjoy your wife!’ Eph 5:25, Ecc 9:9,
  4. Music:‘Give praise to the Glory of God’ Ps 22:3
  5. Hospitality:‘be given to hospitality’ Rom 12:13+
  6. Christian Education:  Deu 6:7
  7. Debt Free:‘no incumbrances’ Prov 22:7
  8. Rejoice:‘make great rejoicing’ Neh 8:12
  9. Family dinners:“sit at the table and unpack the word!’ Deu 6:7
  10. Study: ‘read the word’ 2 Tim 2:25
  11. Work: ‘do work that abides’ 1 Cor 3:14kjv
  12. Stories: ‘Tell inspirational stories’ Joel 1:3

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