FUJII IN TWO FORMS…Satoko Fuiji & Natsuki Tamura: Pentas, Ikue Mori, Satoki Fujii + Natsuki Tamura: Prickly Pear Cactus

Free form sounds by legendary pianist Satoko Fujii along with Natsuki Tamura explore new worlds.

Abstract and environmental sounds are created by trumpeter Natsuki Tamura and pianist Satoko Fujii on these eight intuitive conversations. Tamura uses her horn mostly for sighs and gasps, emphysemic on ‘Circle” and puffing on the title track while Fujii alternates between dots and dashes on “Not together” or hints of classical modes between brass heaves on “Wind Chili”. There’s a bit of responses between the two on “Renovation” but mostly you feel like these two are using their horns to paint a canvass.

Ekue Mori adds electronics to the duet of pianist Satoko Fujii and trumpeter Natsuki Tamura on ten mostly concise originals. For the most part, Tamura’s horn is used for mouthpiece effects, soft squawks and blurps, adding dots and dashes here and there like stars in the sky. Mori’s electronics add eerie space age sounds to “Sweet Fish” and the wafting title piece that swirls like water down a drain. Fujii is plaintive and lurking between electronic nibbles on “Guerrilla Rain” and “Muddy Stream”. More noodles than a soup kitchen in Little Tokyo.



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