Sojoy + Su Dias: Amistellar

Composer and vocalist Stu Dias teams with fellow singer Sojoy and a backing squad of Eric Klaxton/ts-cl, Matt Langley/ss-ts-bs-bcl, Nick Mainella/ts-cl, Zach Lange/tp, Josh Gagnon/tb, Scott Kiefner/b and Jonny Peiffer/dr for fourteen clever originals that sound like someone has been imbibing from the Frank Zappa well. Quirky reeds and moods pop up on “Calm” and the swirling “The Last Winter” with Peiffer tapping out a military march on “The Snake Charmer” Sojoy meditates through “Nothing Is Broken”  and weaves around the ominous “My Kin Decide”. The team sounds Mahleresque for ”Bird of Paradise” with some nice reed work by Matt Langley, with Nick Mainella’s tenor getting thick on the post bopping “Draw Tight Your Boatstrings”. The section work is quite sophisticated, swirling on “The Last Winter” and palpably thick on “ Wing and Fin”. Lots of ideas looking for a signature sound.

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