Peirani-Perisien: Abrazo

Duets by soprano saxist Emile Parisien and accordionist Vincent Periani create warm and Old World conversations in the plaza on this followup to their successful debut session. Atmospheres are lurking on “F.T” while the two joyfully prance during “Army Dreamer”. Bohemian sighs abound from Periani’s box on “Between T’s” while his fingers tip toe on the puffy “Fuga y Misterio” and they tango across the floor on “ Temptation” and “The Cave” with Parisien going bel canto on the echoey “Memento”. The two work well in unison with pulsed fingers on “Deux Xango” and a trio back to the Latin Quarter is a rich stroll on “Nouchka”. Bohemian rhapsodies.

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