Michael Sarian: New Aurora

Songs and moods ranging from bebop to Armenian liturgy are delivered by Michael Sarian on the trumpet and flugelhorn, teaming with Santiago Leibson/p, Marty Kenney-Matt  Pavolka/b and Dayeon Seok/dr on this recent release. Sarian teams with Leibson for a fun and quirky read of Thelonious Monk’s “Ask Me Now” , while he gives a cantoral gasp on his intro to the Komitas liturgy of “Dle Yaman” before it delves into a warm “Portrait of A Postman”.  Meanwhile there’s a gentle joy to the finger claps of “Chinar Es” while Sarian’s own “Primo” features a big brass sound and assertive piano work. Pavolka gives a bluesy throb to “This Is Only The Beginning” and Kenney leads the gallop with Seok on “The Morning After”. Fresh, with Sarian using a paintbrush that covers generations of sounds.


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