Azat Bayazitov: The Doors Are Open

Tenor saxist teams up with all star guitarist Adam Rogers and an impressive team of David Kikoski/p-key, Boris Kos Kozlov/b and Samvel Sarkisyan/dr for interpretations of his own material. Bayazitov’s tone is strong, muscular and assured, and with Rogers sitting out rides the wave of Sarkisyan’s big beat on “Magnet”. With Kikoski on Fender Rhodes, the team is fragrant and warm, with Rogers in melodic for on “Long Fall” and Kozlov soulful during “Highway To The Dreams”. The acoustic format has the leader delivering a bel canto solo intro to “The Huge Sky of Kazan” before Kozlov takes the baton to dig a rich groove, while the bassist’s cadence leads the foray on “Midwest Steam Locomotive”. Most assertive is the modal take on the title track with the tenorist galloping over the rich harmonics of Rogers and Kikoski. Impressive modern musings.

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