The Lost Melody: New Songs For Old Souls

Pianist Joe Davidian, bassist Jamie Ousley and drummer Austin McMahon deliver ten original tunes that are long on both melody and interplay, not a common feature these days. They each take parts out in front, as Ousley leads the theme on the nimble “Sol” and gives a lyrical mood to McMahon’s brushes during “A Sea Of Voices”. McMahon’s brushes clear the way for a whimsical “Won’t You Sing This Song For Me?” and digs in deep on the classy swinger “Leaving Montserrat”. Davidian shows pretty fingers on “If I Didn’t Need You” and is rich as he caresses the ivories on “Sometime, Somehow” with all three cascading on the clever “Ready Or Not” and contemplating together on “When First We Met”. Classy and timeless.

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