Ferenc Nemeth: Freedom

Known for his work as drummer for Lionel Loueke, Ferenc Nemeth creates his own trio with its own personal sound with a team of tenor saxist Gregory Tardy and Tzumo Arpad on piano and keys, with the drummer even bringing in some clever vocoder work.

Interspersed between the concise melodic tunes are a series of “Drumterlude” solo tunes which range from journeys down dark corridors, snappy snares, rumbles along a bumpy road, high hat heaven and closing up in a  storm. As far as the band pieces, there are hints of a debt to Weather Report, with tribal drums and percussion teaming with synthesizing , voice and tenor sax in a wondrously exotic way, while “Get Up “ mixes nimble stick work and piano with an easy drive and fragrant motifs. Arpad’s piano intro to “Farm Boy” leads to an intricate and assertive fusion while the team is fun and frenetic with “Freedom”. Middle Eastern moods on percussion team up with Tardy’s bucolic tenor on “Triumph” while the saxist is velvety on the richly synthesized “Dare To Dream”. This trio needs to be seen as well as heard. Get t his virus over with and spread t his good news around.


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