A LOST FOLKY…Tim Buckley: Live At The Electric Theatre Co. Chicago, 1968

The legendary singer/songwriter Tim Buckley is caught in vintage minstrel form during this pair of performances in Chicago, 1968. He’s supported at times by Carter CC Collins on congas and an unnamed bassist, with many of the tunes here feeling like stream of consciousness musings. There are a air of “improvisations”, one on “Roll On Rosie” and the other for the famous “Sally Go Round The Roses” with lots of free formed extrapolations in tow. Other times he goes into dark recesses as on “The Father Song” and gets passionate on “Gypsy Woman.” The troubadour is dramatic on “Wayfaring Stranger” and gives some political commentary on “Danang” while “Happy Time” is a short breeze of optimism. A reflection of a different time and concerns. Is anyone this Spartanly passionate today?


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