Intuitive Trios…Zach Brock/Matt Ulery/Jon Deitemyer: Wonderment, Yimba Rudo: Yimba Rudo, Daniel Meron: Embracing Wild

Three member bands with lots of communication…

Rich toned violinist leads a progressive trio with bassist Matt Ulery and drummer Jon Deitemyer through a dozen muscular originals. Brock’s approach is reminiscent of vintage Jean Luc Ponty, with a warm vibrato and assertive lyricism. The three are nimble on post bop sophisticated pieces like “Wonderment” and the bopping “Woke Dokey” with moments that rock hard during the angular “Yge Bieve” and the aggressive “Cavendish.” Brock mixes pizzicato and bow to wonderful extent on “Mobile” and volleys with Ulery on ‘LEvelled.” The trio swings to “Pumpkin Patch” and has some bluegrass fun as Brock strums out on the upbeat “Happy Place.” Muscles flexed to melodies.

Led by Kevin Norton on vibes and percussion, the trio Yimba Rudo includes drummer Jim Pugliese and bassist LaSpina on a Baker’s Dozen original pieces that focus on atmospheres and moods. Norton’s vibes chime with nimble alacrity on “Reconcile the Classical View” and get dreamy during “The Faustian Bargain”  with rich hues created on “I Dig Facts, Man.” LaSPina bows with warmth on “Winter Retreat” and is simpatico with Pugliese during the intricate “ Moonstruck” while playing well off the cymbals on ”Polar Oscillation.” Abstract brush strokes well framed.

Daniel Meron plays piano and Rhodes leading a trio with bassist Pablo Menares and drummer Felix Lecaros. Keren-Or Taylor adds a lovely voice t the optimistic and uptempo “Morning Shadows,” joining with Meron’s keys on the R&B ish “I Am Now” and dreamy while singing in Hebrew on the lilting “ Darkness and Light.” Meron himself has the team in a Bill Evans mood as Menares dances to  “Jolly Beggar” and the three give an elegant dance to “Embracing Wild.” Rich texture.

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