Oddarrang: Hypermetros

Olavi Louhivuori plays drums and synthesizers composing most of the material here that includes support by Osmo Ikonen/cello-synth, Ilmari Phohola/tb-synth, Lasse Lindgren/b-synth and Lasse Sakara/g. The focus is on textures and landscapes, with brooding trombone and cello on the elegiac “Ohlop” and chamber sounds of contemplation with electric guitar and bows on “15 Years.” The plethora of synthesizers make for layers of drapery, rich with echoey guitar during “Amber” and reflective during the somber “Umi” with a three part “Trichrodon” creating space age sounds and palpable masses. Kraftwerk and King Crimson in quietude.



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