GIRLS GET THE BLUES…Susan Williams & Wright Groove Band: It’s About Time, Cara Being Blue: Grit

Ladies with muscle.

Susan Williams has a gritty voice, as she plays bass along with Mike Gallemore/g, Darryl Wright/b, Rob Davis/dr and Michael Cruse/key on a collection of bluesy originals. She shows she can boogie with the best as on “Loving You From A Distance” and slinks into a calypso during “I’m Sorry.” The team gets into a gospel mood for a soulful “Please Come Back To Me” and Gallemore’s strings range from a crying “You’ve Got Another Thing Coming” to a Hendrixy “Too Little, Too Late.” Full fisted!

Cara Lippman sings and plays a little guitar, joining with a funky team of Will Gustofson/g-Val Lupescu/g, Flip Winfield/dr, Jonathan Nixon-David Abdo/b and a Chevy full of guests. The team hits hard and aggressively with horns on the title track, and gets into a 70s rock feel for “One Day” and the funky “Leave Me In Flames.” Cara takes a trip to Chicago with Tim Gonzalez’s harp on “Old Feeling” and the STAX horn section takes you to a swamp for “Kind Kinda Man.” Lippman has a rich and rural voice, palpable on the ballad “You Don’t Wanna” as she teams with Jack Pearson’s bluesy guitar, and she gets down and dirty with guitarist Dave Fields on “Crocodile Man.” Faded blue jeans on this night out.

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