IS THERE SHEET MUSIC TO THIS? Josh Sinton’s Predate Trio: Making Bones, Crux Trio + 1: Up and At ‘Em

Here are a couple of albums that are high in improvisation and light on construction…

Josh Sinton plays baritone sax and bass clarinet, going deep and low into subterranean sounds with an intuitive team of Christopher Hoffman/cel and Tom Rainey/dr. He focuses on subtones, squawks and fluffy works on his mouthpiece with a deep bass clarinet on flexible pieces like “Mersible” and the fluffy “Unreliable Mirrors” while jabbing with his bandmates on the punchy “Idonal.” Scratchy bowing gets eerie and edgy for “Taiga” and Rainey’s drums rumble to Sinton’s bari on the free flying “Bells-ell-ell-ell-ells.” A musical walk through the La Brea Tar Pits.

With Mark Hanslip on sax, Colin Somervell playing bass, Barry Edwards with guitar and Ed Gauden holding down the drums, this “live”recording from the Hermon Chape Oswestry features five songs of loose moods and atmospheres. A long rubato of “Breath” features edgy affects and eerie moods, with subtones and puffy reeds by Hanslip for “Spin.” Conversant cymbals with tentative guitar on “Shake” create an other-worldly environment and sonic fragments dominate “Meddle.” Musical conversations that change topics.

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