****RINGER OF THE WEEK****Yellowjackets: Raising Our Voice

Just when you thought they had run their course and closed up shop after 31 years and 30+ albums in various incarnations, the Yellowjackets have re-convened and pull out a fresh collection of tunes, even featuring vocalist Lucian Souza who brings a whole new freshness to the unit.

Souza brings her vocals to the team of Russell Ferrante/p-key, Bob  Mintzer/sax-EWI, William Kennedy/dr and Dane Alderson/b, and like most women, she brings out the best in men. She blends in with Alderson before serving answers to Mintzer’s swinging tenor on “Man Facing North” giving a fresh coat of paint to the piece. Souza is deliciously flavorful while singing Portuguese on the gentle “Quiet” while creating mystique with Ferrante’s keyboards on “Timeline.” Mintzer’s soprano creates Monet-like colors with Souza on “In Search” and his EWI forms a misty haze on “Emerge.” Intriguing as well is the serene “Mutuality” with Souza’s reflective voice wafts through the changes in harmonies, while the team shows some muscle on the Weather Reportish “Ecuador.” The freshness of the sound combined with the originality and cleverness of interpretations makes this a winning album for fans of both the “old” Yellowjackets and for those never initiated. You won’t be stung by this one!



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