TROUBADOURS…Kinky Friedman: Circus of Life, The Furious Seasons: Now Residing Abroad

Tales from the Cumberland Gap…

Singer, raconteur and even guest on Fox News, Kinky Friedman shows that he’s at heart an old soul of a country/folk singer. Here, he’s backed by a team of Joe Cirotti/g-b-fid, Augie Meyers/acc-org, “Little Jewford” Shelby/p, Mickey Raphael/harm, clay Meyers/perc and Jim Beal/b on a mix and match basis on a dozen surprisingly intimate sessions. Old School Nashville skylines are draw on “A Dog Named Freedom” while he takes you to his parlor on a cozy “Spitfire.” Hints of Kris Kristofferson come up on the AA themed “Back to Grace” whereas a trip to the VFW brings on “Autographs in the Rain (Sung to Willie).” Friedman’s voice is gentle, leathered like a 20 year old catchers mitt, and toned like a guy who’s lived a full life. More personal, still ironic, but with deeper thoughts than you’d imagine.

The trio of David Steinhart/g-voc, Jeff Steinhart/b-key and P.A. Nelson/g-voc create moods designed for McCabes Guitar Shop on this homey Chicken Pot Pie collection of material. The strings are rich and folksy, spacious during “Easy to Find” and the pastoral ¾ “So Sorry Adele” while clean picking and grinning take place on “Expo Line.” Stenihart’s bass creates a minstrel atmosphere on “Fort Knox” while the tenor’d voices are casual during on the homespun “Whatnot” and “Marathon.” Unpretentious as blue jeans.

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