I recently took my son in law to Washington DC in order for him to get a feel for the rich heritage that our Capitol has to offer. Here are some of the things every American needs to experience first hand in order to appreciate why our country is still the greatest country on God’s green earth.
- The White House. It doesn’t matter if you like or hate the President, the resident of our Chief Executive is filled with grandeur and history.
- The Capitol Building. If you contact your Congressman or Senator, you can get a pass to go inside the gallery. It’s just like the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. Where does Claude Rains sit?
- The Supreme Court. To put the importance of this department in perspective, our country has had 45 Presidents, but only 17 Chief Justices of the Supreme Court. These guys in black have clout! Also, on the outside of the building is a marble statue of the famed story of the tortoise and the hare. Timeless lessons!
- The Lincoln Memorial. The brooding statue of our 16th President is still awe inspiring, as are the two speeches carved on the walls, The Gettysburg Address and his Second Inaugural Address. Both are worth memorizing for inspiration. Also, considering all of the important speeches that have taken place here is like standing
on hallowed ground.
- The Smithsonian Air & Space Museum. You need an entire day to see this, but if you get a tour you’ll appreciate much of the highlights all the more. To see the Wright Brother’s original
plane alongside space shuttles and warheads is simply overwhelming.
- The Smithsonian American History Museum. They are
always changing displays, but the one constant, the original gigantic flag that inspired our Star Spangled Banner, will make you a patriot if anything can, and will at least have you sing the song before a ballgame with more feeling.
- Ford’s Theatre. It’s a sobering thought to wonder “how would America be different if Lincoln hadn’t been assassinated?” Here’s where history changed. One side note is that across the street is where our President actually died, right next to Lincoln’s
Waffle Shop, featuring Asian lunch. Is this a great country or what?!?
- Bull Run & Antietam Battlefields. I could not get my son in law off of these fields, as he just stared into the cornfields or ditches to take in the tens of thousands that died in the hours of these blood baths. People then fought for a cause, and no matter what side you
were on, you have to respect their valor.
- Harper’s Ferry. This cute little town is where John Brown essentially started the civil war, and being considered either a holy martyr or madman in the process.
- Blues Alley Club. Joshua Redman’s quartet was in town when we were in DC, but this hip joint always has someone playing who is hip
and modern.