Leni Stern: 3

Leni Stern continues her journey of successfully melding sounds of Western Africa with American jazz on this latest album. She sings and plays both guitar and the Malian n’goni as she teams with Mamddou Ba/b and Alionue Faye/perc-voice along with guests including husband Mike Stern.

Some of the songs are filled with traditional sounds with pieces like “Khavare” while things get a bit more modern with Mike Stern’s electric guitar along with Leo Genovese’s synthesizer on Calabas” while Gil Goldstein/s accordion and Muhammed & Princess Louise Faye’s vocals on “Barambai” and “Crocodile” add extra mystique from the Sahel Desert. The sound is spacious and uncluttered, takin you on a journey through the Dogon cliffs.



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