The Confabulation: Tunnels and Visions

Composer/bassist David Woodhead mixes and matches originals and clever interpretations with a two teamed band of Confabulators and “Co-Confabulators.” Clever usage of brass/reed sections, strings and rich solos make the Baker’s Dozen of pieces rich in variety and delivery. A brass fanfare with the leader’s pulsating bass make for an elegiac “Carnival For the Clocks” with rich woodwinds floating on “Precious Little Solves the Riddle” and “Mary Sue.” The team can get funky as on the backbeating “Permanent Trees” and Windham Hill New Agey during “the reflective and textured “Grottos.” All the while Woodhead’s bass does some nice dolphin dances, creating misty droplets on “A Drink with Jam and Bread” are getting soulful for “Gargantuas” while a minstrel mood with vocalist Nancy Solway brings new ideas to the show tune “The Inch Worm.” Lots of great ideas working out well here.

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