Eliot Zigmund: Time Was

I’m a sucker for an album that creates a singular mood, and is able to carry it through the entire session. This one succeeds, with all star drummer Eliot Zigmund teaming with Chris Cheek/ts-ss, Mike Eckroth/p and Morrie Louden/b for a collection of autumn sunset moods. Zigmund guides with subtlety, gently brushing underneath Cheeks’ warm tenor on “Liebslied” and creating a soft pilaf for the meaty tenor on the lovely “Supposition” while snapping the quartet to attention for a buoyant bopper of “Eiderdown.” There are also a handful of trio settings, allowing Eckroth to deliver a few arias with Louden on a glistening take of “Duke Ellington’s Sound of Love” and a glowing “Ohla Maria,” coaxed along by Zigmund’s suave cymbal, while the team creates a gentle thee point landing on a closing “Goodbye.” Strong charcoal pastels.



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