This is the album that Lizz Wright’s talents have always promised to make. It just took her long-life spiritual journey to have her reach the top of the hill. At this stage in her career, she has the both the vocal and spiritual confidence to be at ease with her presentation, and she has lots to present!
The album focuses on the South in which she grew up, but that encompasses a lot of facets, most notably her life in the church. Songs that she has composed, along with those ranging from Bob Dylan, k.d. lang, Allen Tousaint” and Ray Charles, touch on aspects and moods of her rural upbringing, while her Christian soul journey is addressed in conjunction.
Thus, folk guitar and Sunday church moods meld together on “Barley” while a classic Baptist Beat gets things down home on “Singing In M y Soul.” A lonely down home organ teams with Wright on “What Would I Do Without You” with twin guitars deliver droplets of dew on” Stars Fell On Alabama.” You feel like you’re walking in on someone’s private prayer session, as Wright is reverential and intimate on “Wash Me Clean, “ and only one who’s truly experienced God’s grace could express her beliefs so passionately as on the title track. On her own “All The way Here” Wright closes the album like a returning wayfarer, as they say, “one beggar telling another where to find the bread.” This lady shares her soul with you, pointing you in the right direction.
The support by Jay Bellerose/dr, David Piltch/b, Chris Bruce/g, MarvinSewell/g, Kenny Banks/key, Mark Ribot/g, Patrick Warren/key and guest choir all fit in like friends at an after church picnic. A lifter of one’s spirit.