Michael Tracy: Hora Certa

Saxist Michael Tracy brings Brazilian jazz up to date on the exciting and energetic album. He teams up with Eudes Carvalho/g, Flavio Silva/p, Hamilton Pinherio/b and Pedro Almeida while he switches between beefy tenor and sweet soprano on songs that take the next step from Jobim. The funky “Volt ao Mundo” and deft “Seu Olhar” spotlight his soprano work while Silva slithers on the former and Almeida taps out an irresistible pulse on the latter. His vidre vibrato on tenor is palpable on the bossa nova’d joy of “Bem Brasil” while he dances with Pinheiro’s bass on “ Para Casa.” The mix of post-bop and samba make for a rich sauce as on the peppy “Com Pressa.” Forward looking and sounding!


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