Gustavo Assis-Brasil: Chromatic Dialogues

Guitarist Gustavo Assis-Brasil teams up with Tony Grey/b, Vardan Ovsepian/p-synth, Jose  Pienasola/b and Mauricio Zottarelli/dr for a collection of intimate conversations.

The leader shows his rock chops on the prog rock “Gee” which gives hints of the Genesis band, while his liquid strings float over the cadence of “Always Here.” There are four succinct “Dialogues” included:  synth musings from Ovsepian are on the thoughtful “1”, dashes of Allan Holdsworth collecti on “2” and mixings of drums and bass round out the last pair, with the longes  piece, “Pro Sapo” a rich mix of driving rhythms and evocative guitar extrapolations. A mix of fusion and freedom.

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