Lisa Lindsley: Long After Midnight

Here’s a lady with a good sense of delivery and style. You can tell that Lisa Lindsley also works as an actress, as each song here with Laurent Marode/p, Jeff Chambers/b, Mourad Banhammou/dr and Esaie Cid/cl-sax-fl come off like a little show. Piano and clarinet lurk around a dark corner on the title track, while Lindsley gets cozy with Marode on an intimate “I Walk A Little Faster/Manhattan.” She’s tenderhearted with Cid’s flute on “Star  Eyes” and does a gas of a read as she gives hint of Blossom Dearie on the ringer “Mellow Yellow” while sparkling and chirping on “Skylark’s Song.” Effortless, but still with feeling.

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