Darrell Grant: The Territory

Pianist Darrell Grant delivers a recording from a pair of 2013 concerts from Reed College. The band includes all stars such as Brian Blade/dr, Clark Sommers/b, Joe Locke/vib-mar, and Steve Wilson/sax-flute as well as Hamilton Cheifetz/cel, Thomas Barber/tp and Kirt Peterson/bclts, with the sounds resulting in a chamber orchestra feel. The reed and marimba get a bit exotic on the”Hymn to the Four Winds” while Wilson’s flute adds drapes to the vibes on “Daybreak at Fort Rock.” Some lovely bowed strings are on “Missoula Floods” and Barber’s trumpet works with Grant’s piano pattern. Marilyn Keller adds some clear vocals that get a bit New Age-y on “Chief Joseph’s Lament” and “Stones Into Blossoms” and the band finally bears down a bit to get jazzy on the concluding “New Land.” Gentle moods abound here.



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