Drummer Mark Guiliana leads a flexible and vibrant team ofChris Morrissey/b, Shai Maestro/p and Jason Rigby/ts through an album filled with originals sans one. The cover “Johnny Was” is a melancholy ballad that features Rigby’s sighing tenor, while the title track also features reflective sounds delivered by Maestro’s reflective piano. Guiliana knows how to set a groove, though, and he sets off a shark suit one that features crisp lines on “One Month” while he scurries with Maestro to set off some sparks on “Long Branch.” Morrissey digs a deep rivulet as the leader sticks with a military march of a step on “The Importance of Brothers” and the team canters like it’s a track meet on “Welcome Home.” Some bluesy film noir features a soft handed tenor on “Abed” and the team trudges like it’s the Bridge on the River Kwai” during the somber “2014.” Versatile sounds and moods.