The Ted Howe Jazz Orchestra: Pinnacle

This album is subtitled “Featuring John Patitucci,” meaning he gets a lot of time in the spotlight, and you can always feel the 6 stringed electric bassist create a swinging  pulse on just about everything he’s present on. The horn section here is brass heavy, as on “Presto For Two Trombones,” which opens with a Renaissance-like invocation before some hip jazz takes over. The horns weave in and out of Patitucci’s sizzling solo here, and Andy Martin draws first blood with the trombones. Patitucci also gets the spotlight for “Jazz Etude for Three Clarinets”which has drummer Marlon Patton driving the band like a madman while the back and forth tension between the horns builds up to make your hair stand on end. A Killer Joe cool “Movement 3” of the “Suite #1 for Jazz Orchestra” has some soulful bopping horns and hummingbird cymbal work, and gently graced electric guitar (from Dan Baraszu) and bass pirouette on “Movement #2.” Leader Howe takes the piano during a melodic and reflective “Impromptu for Trumpet” and gracious “Adagio For Piano” which includes some nimble blues, while Geoff Hayden takes over the piano and keyboards for the rest of the session, most notably on the dramatic “Movement #1.” A great mix of lyrical and hard hitting, with Patitucci’s bass impressing on a plethora of levels.

Hot Shoe Records

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