Sachal Vasandani: Slow Motion Miracles

Something definitely changed in this singer’s trajectory. Sashal Vasandani seems to have dropped his last name, and now only goes by the moniker “Sachal.” Secondly, while he’s teamed up with jazzers such as Taylor Eigsti/ key, Gerald Clayton/p, Ryan Scott/g, Buster Hemphill-David Wongb and Nate Smith-Mark Guiliana/dr, the musical modes here are rarely leaning into the jazz realm and instead steeped in modern pop, indie pop and electronica.

His voice is still golden and clear, but you get some multi-voiced tracking on the pop synthed “Denim Lights”  while he shows his range on the indie and synthesized rhythm of “Cove The Water.” His voice reaches deeply with programmed percussion on “Can’t Talk” and 70s pop gets a nod on Haystacks.” He tells a story over restless drumming no “Slow Motion Miracles” and a folksy guitar has him sounding like Donnie Osmond on “Marie.” I’m not sure who he’s trying to reach out to as far as an audience here; maybe an opening act for Vegas, but the jazz feel is not present. Will he do a tour with similarly directed Peter Cincotti?

Okeh Records

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