THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SWING ERA:…Alexander Melnikov, Isabel Faust, Jeroen Berwaerts, Gerard Costes & Teunis Van Der Zwart: Hindemith: Sonatas For…

Yes, the 30s and 40s were better known as “The Swing Era,” but things were going on in classical music as well. Pianist Paul Hindemith was mixing a bit of both genres during that  period as this collections of sonatas by Alexander Melnikov and a collection of partners attest.

Four sonatas with alto horn are rich and deep, making an interesting comparison with the series of duets with the trombone.  A pair of pieces with violin are plaintive and pensive, while the cello group is deeply ruminating. The album closes with some crisp trumpet and piano pairings, but through it all, a sense of transition from the straitjacket of classical music is felt breaking free, albeit in a tentative way, into jazz. A rich collection of an overlooked period of long hair music that started wearing a zoot suit.

Harmonia Mundi Records

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