VOICES IN THE SKY…Antonia Bennett: Embrace Me, Kaoruko Pilkington: Bright Side of My Life

Ladies and the Standards. The foundation of today’s music. Here we go!

An endorsement by Tony Bennett, recorded at Bennett studios in NJ, and engineered by Dae Bennett. What more do you want? Antonia Bennett sings with Jon Davis/p’s trio of Rafael barata/dr and Paul Nowinski/b on a set of standards that sound like she’s been raised on them. Her voice is sweet and coy, sort of like the girl next door, and is able to bop out “All Of You” or tease the heart on “I Can’t Give You Anything But Love.” She draws out the feel on “All Things You Are” to make it feel fresh and Davis’ glassy ivory work is a plus on “But Not For Me.” For fans of Betty as opposed to Veronica in the Archie Comics of life.

Kaoruko Pilkington mixes oldies with modern here with a rotating rhythm section that also features Greg Hopkins/tp-fh, Rick DiMuzio/ts-ss and Bob Pilkington/tb. Most impressive and surprising is her flowing wordless treatment of Pat Metheny’s “Bright Size Life” and a dreamy take of Jimmy Webb’s “By the Time I Get to Phoenix.” Surrounded by brass, she glides all over the turbulence of “ On a Clear day” and gives off a very clever yet gentle version of “I’ll Never Fall In Love Again.” Tasty and delicate.

Perseverance Records



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