Tineke Postma & Greg Osby: Sonic Halo

Saxist Greg Osby reminds me of a lot of single mid thirties women that I know. They’re attractive, bright and have a lot to offer, and you wonder “Why hasn’t anyone married them?” Same with Osby; he’s got a great tone, puts out interesting material, but has never really broken the barrier to become a household name. Here’s a perfect example, as he teams up to form a front line with Tineke Postma, who also plays the soprano and alto sax. Together they join along Matt Mitchell/key, Dan Weiss/dr and Linda Oh/b for music that, yes, can get a little cerebral and abstract, but still works and keeps your interest.

The two reeds weave in and out of each other on moody material such as “Sea Skies” and “Nine Times a Night” and while there isn’t a lot of swing, there is a palpable pulse that carries you along. Both Osby and Postma have a lithe sound, and differentiating them is a struggle. They do, however show some muscle during “Source Code” and “Pleasant Affliction” while the take of “Body and Soul” is a luscious dance. More cerebral than some, less abstract than others. Music for musing. Too late to catch the bouquet?

Challenge Records


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