Holly Hofmann: Low Life

Subtitled “The Alto Flute Project,” this release by Ms. Hofmann has her in the symbiotic company of Mike Wofford/p, John Clayton/b, Jeff Hamilton/dr and Anthony Wilson/g for some rich and enriching originals and covers. Wilson appearance of four of the tunes and shines brightly on the graceful “Grow (For Dick Oatts) and the bluesy bopper “Jack Of Hearts.” The lesser heard flute sounds rich and flexible here, glowing with Clayton’s bowed bass on “Lumiere de la “Vie” and dancing delightfully with Wofford on the duet take of “ The Very Thought of You.” Hamilton’s drum work rumbles handsomely on “Soul-Leo” and snaps to attention on “Cedar Would.” Hofmann herself does some impressive blowing hot and cold making this an extremely attractive release.

Capri Records


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