TWO FROM NINE WINDS RECORDS…Gavin Templeton: In Series, Daniel Rosenboom: Book of Omens

Here are a couple releases from Nine Winds Records, showing a wide color palate for such a small label.

I tend to listen to tenor players more often because the alto guys nowadays hit their reeds too sharp for my ears. The larger horn seems to cover a multitude of sins. But in the right hands, or should I say, embouchure, the alto can still be a warm caress. This guy Gavin Templeton’s got it right, and he leads a band with Perry Smith/g, Matt Politano/p, Sam Minaie/b and Matt Mayhall/dr through a collection of originals with wit and style.

He’s got a bluesy and plaintive tone as demonstrated on the thoughtful “Know Why” and can also get a bit funky with a grooving bass and drum on the hip “Bug.” The ballad “Karina” highlights his fluffy nimbus puffs of sound, and the gentle guitar and percussion on “Palms” is like an intimate conversation.” He shows his assertiveness on “Volley” but even here, he never loses his charm. Impressive!

Daniel Rosenboom plays the trumpet & flugelhorn for TV, video games and movies such as Despicable Me. Here, he leads a left of center ensemble of Vinny Golia/woodwinds, Jake

Vossler/g, Tim Lefebvre/b and Matt Mayhall through a raucous collection of originals. Songs like “Playing With Fire” and “Eagle Eclipse” mix heavy metal rock guitar and drum beats with saxes and reeds looking for some flying space. “Wolf in the Mist” features Golia’s flute with effects to perfection, while Rosenboom’s trumpet leads to an avalanche of Metallica on “The Last Regent.” Tribal percussions make the natives restless on the chunky “Panther” and a hiccupping reed pops around a preening guitar on “Viper.” Black Sabbath meets the Art Ensemble of Chicago!

Nine Winds Records

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