Rose & The Nightingale: Spirit of the Garden

 Consisting of Jody Redhage/cello/v, Sara Caswell/v-mand, Leala Cyr/tp-v, and Laila Biali/p-v, RATN  deliver a 16 song journey to the various moods of the yearly seasons. In doing so, the mix  forms ranging from Japanese Haiku to melodious jazz to Joni Mitchell-esque folk. Redhage’s voice sounds like a cousin of Gretchen Parlato with that similar breezy wisp of a delivery, and she uses it well on the folksy “It’s So Beautiful” as well as melding it with the other ladies and piano on the thoughtful “Rose Maria” . There is a childlike innocence on material like “Say I Am You” or the Oriental pulse on “Butterfly” that as alluring as it is quirky. Elegaic moods such as the rustling of the breeze through lace curtains are felt on this reflective and pensive disc.
Sunnyside Records

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