WHERE’S THIS BEEN HIDING?!?…Perry Robinson 4: Funk Dumpling

Looking for modern clarinet players is about as easy as finding bacon in a mosque, so what a surprise was this ringer by Perry  Robinson, who took the unforgiving clarinet and  tried to bring it into the avant garde without sounding like a cat fight. This 1962 session has him with heavy hitters Kenny Barron/p, Henry Grimes/b and Paul Motian/dr and he does an impressive job with his musical vision. He doesn’t emphasize rapid note runs like a Buddy De Franco; he trades the technique for a much warmer tone. Thus, something like Grimes’ “Sprite’s Delight” or “Farmer Alfalfa” sizzles enough underneath for Robinson to go deep into the lower register but still be able to come up for air and reach for the sky without irritating the hairs on the back of your neck. His own “Wahayla” and “Margareta” are both accessible and challenging, while Barron’s piano is as gorgeous as can be. You’re going to be surprised how much you like this baby!

Fresh Sound Records


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