Al Thompson Jr: City Mainstream

Al Thompson Jr puts together an impressive session here in which he plays keyboards, piano, produces and even contributes vocals with an in sync team that ranges from quartet to septet. At its most bare bones with just Christ Herbert on sax with a rhythm team, saxist Chris Herbert cooks over Stee Clarke’s thick bass line; on larger ensembles, there’s a relentless beat  on “8th Avenue Safari” and “The Chase” which serve as a foundation for some rich and colorful harmonies emphasized by Kris Jensen’s soprano  sax and Jamie Finegan’s trumpet. The pop boppin’ beat of  the funky title track and “High Speed Ride” make for a joyful ride for the horns, and on a ballad like “Memories of a Moonlit Night” Jensen’s tenor caresses the theme. Lots to like here for contemporary jazz fans.

Alcalgar Records

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