Pink Floyd: The Story of Wish You Were Here

This 85 minute documentary delivers an incisive insight into the background genesis and creation of the vastly popular progressive rock album that has sold over 13 million copies. There are contemporary interviews with the remaining  members, Waters, Mason and Gilmore,as well as a 2001 talk with the deceased Richard Wright all giving intriguing and sage insights of the band, the period and personal challenges of the disc.


The album, coming off of the heels of the enormously famous Dark Side of the Moon, was basically a tribute to the tormented founding member Syd Barrett, who left the group, and this earth, from a drug induced escape from reality. If you want to know the long term effects of “mind expanding” drug experimentation, look no further than the harrowing last few known photos of the tormented genius. A true waste of talent and life, which haunts all the living members mercilessly.


Some rare and vintage filmage finds the original incarnation of Pink Floyd with Barrett performing an other-worldly “Astronomy Domine,” while later shots of the band include takes of “Interstellar Overdrive” and “Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun.” These are interspersed between acoustic performances of the most important tunes like “Have a Cigar.” Background vocalists, artists, even stuntmen (remember the burning man on the cover?) are all interviewed with interesting perspectives on just about every aspect of the album. The most important lesson, however, is mentioned by Mason, who admits that “the fame…was an impediment” to what they were seeking in artistic life, and that , as Waters concludes, it’s not the fame or fortune, but “the work is the thing.” As it was said 2000 years ago, “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his soul.” This dvd could be an addendum to the Christ’s teaching.

Eagle Vision DVD

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