Tom Wetmore: Desired Effect

I like a disc when I listen to the music and can’t tell who the leader is. That was the case here with electric pianist Tom Wetmore on his debut release. All nine songs here are his compositions, and he brings together a full sounding team that includes Jaleel Shaw/as, Eric Nevelof/ts-as, Brad Williams/g, Justin Sabaj/g, Michael League/b and Garrett Brown/dr. The sonic effect is reminiscent of late 60s-early 70s CTI-styled jazz, with some funky rhythms, yet still with enough complexity to allow sax solos by Shaw (on “Red Lights”) and Neveloff (on the title track) to have some intellectual meaning. The linear guitar work of Williams and Justin Sabaj weave in and out of the churning and at times tricky time signatures. Music melodic enough to keep you listening and complex enough to retain your interest.

Crosstown Records


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