Lakecia Benjamin: Retox

Lakecia Benjamin plays alto and soprano sax here, and also does the arranging on this release that is a throwback to the days when R&B was filled with wacka-wooka guitars, fuzzy bass riffs and disco inferno horn punctuation. Some of the stuff sounds right out of the Famous Flames songbook, such as “Maceo” while most other songs have wah wahs and Average White Band licks, such as “Get Down” and “Smile.” There are lots of guest appearances by the likes of Mavis Swan Pole, Krystel Warren, Whosane and other various artists trying to fit into the funk phonebooth. If you like the synth groove in a rhythm section, this might be your thing, but didn’t this already run its course, like, when I used to wear wide whale chords?

Motema Records

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