Deline Briscoe: Wawu

This album by vocalist Deline Briscoe is not so much of a collection of songs as much as a series of vocal paintings in an art gallery. Her support ranges from a cappella to full sized groups with horns and percussion, always with a story to tell. She delivers a harrowing “In The Night” with the Spartan accompaniment of pianist “Jade Amali Leuga” and with vocal harmonies with Jessica Briscoe, speaks a riveting tale on “Ngadijina.” Things get stark with trumpeter Paul Coyle, bassist Robert Finch and drummer Airileke on “All Things Broken” with a gospel feel with voices and rhythm team on “Heartbeat” and a late night by the fire story with Ingram and Finch on the title track. In larger ensembles, the team gets herky jerky on “Joe” and adds some R&B soul to “Human Experience” while “Sweet Frangipani” has a low key folksy feel to it. No matter the tune, you feel like you’re being toured around by a singing docent.

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